Theory List


Theory List

Theory List



The list contains theories that are or have been covered in A First Look at Communication Theory


A chapter in the 11th edition is dedicated to this theory.

This theory is discussed in the 11th edition but not assigned a full chapter.

This theory was covered in a full chapter in previous editions and a pdf from the last edition in which it appeared is available.

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Full coverage chapters go to Overview and other Resources; Archive opens PDF of the archived chapter.

"QUICK LINKS" (sort by Theory)
OL    Chapter Outline
SHQ  Self-Help Quiz
VID   Conversation Video.

About Theory Resources An overview of all resources available on larger devices.
(Watch now)

The list contains theories that are or have been covered in A First Look at Communication Theory


A chapter in the 11th edition is dedicated to this theory.

This theory is discussed in the 11th edition but not assigned a full chapter.

This theory was covered in a full chapter in previous editions and a pdf from the last edition in which it appeared is available.

Quick Links appear only in Sort by Theory

Full coverage chapters go to Overview and other Resources; Archive opens PDF of the archived chapter.

"QUICK LINKS" (sort by Theory)
OL    Chapter Outline
SHQ  Self-Help Quiz
VID   Conversation Video.

About Theory ResourcesAn overview of all resources available on larger devices. Watch now)  Video may run slowly or not at all depending on device and internet connection

The list contains theories that are or have been covered in A First Look at Communication Theory


A chapter in the 11th edition is dedicated to this theory.

This theory is discussed in the 11th edition but not assigned a full chapter.

This theory was covered in a full chapter in previous editions and a pdf from the last edition in which it appeared is available.


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In the future we will bring as many resources as posible to small devices, with an emphasis on most-used resources, like Self-Help Quizzes.

SORT BY:   Theories  Authors. New in Edition 11
Irwin Altman
with Dalmas Taylor
Social Penetration Theory Full   Ch 8
Aristotle The Rhetoric Full   Ch 17
Aristotle Golden Mean (and Virtue Ethiics) Brief
Augustine Categorical Imperative Brief
Mikhail Bakhtin Dialogics Brief
Mikhail Bakhtin
with Leslie Baxter
Relational Dialectics Theory Full   Ch 11
Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory-Social Cognition Theory   PDF Brief + Archive   Ed 2
Roland Barthes Semiotics Full   Ch 33
Leslie Baxter
with Mikhail Bakhtin
Relational Dialectics Theory Full   Ch 11
Charles Berger Uncertainty Reduction Theory Full   Ch 9
Sissella Bok Principle of Veracity Brief
Ernest Bormann Symbolic Convergence Theory Full   Ch 21
Martin Buber Dialogic Ethics Brief
David Buller
with Judee Burgoon
Interpersonal Deception Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 6
Judee Burgoon Expectancy Violations Theory Full   Ch 6
Judee Burgoon
with David Buller
Interpersonal Deception Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 6
Judee Burgoon Family Communication Patterns Theory Full   Ch 7
Kenneth Burke Dramatism Full   Ch 18
John Cacioppio
with Richard Petty
Elaboration Likelihood Model Full   Ch 15
Clifford Christians Communitarian / CIvic Journalism Brief
Patricia Collins Black Feminist Thought Brief
Vernon Cronen
with W Barnet Pearce
Coordinated Management of Meaning   PDF Archive   Ed 10
Stanley Deetz Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations Full   Ch 24
Jesse Delia Constructivism   PDF Archive   Ed 8
Ferdinand de Saussure Structural Linguistics Brief
Leon Festinger Cognitive Dissonance Full   Ch 16
B Aubrey Fisher Interact System Model of Decision Emergence   PDF Archive   Ed 2
Walter Fisher Narrative Paradigm Full   Ch 19
Clifford Geertz
with Michael Pacanowsky
Cultural Approach to Organizations Full   Ch 22
George Gerbner Cultivation Theory Full   Ch 36
Howard Giles Communication Accommodation Theory Full   Ch 25
Carol Gilligan FIRO Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 1
Carol Gilligan Different Voice   PDF Archive   Ed 1
Dennis Gouran
with Randy Hirokawa
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making Full   Ch 20
John Greene Action Assembly Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 1
William Gudykunst Anxiety-Uncertainty Management Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 6
Jürgen Habermas Discursive Ethics Brief
Edward Hall High- and Low-Context Cultures Brief
Edward Hall Proxemic Theory   PDF Brief + Archive   Ed 1
Stuart Hall Cultural Studies Full   Ch 34
Sandra Harding
with Julia T Wood
Feminist Standpoint Theory Full   Ch 29
Fritz Heider Attribution Theory   PDF Brief + Archive   Ed 2
Randy Hirokawa
with Dennis Gouran
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making Full   Ch 20
Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Brief
Irving Janis Groupthink   PDF Brief + Archive   Ed 3
Immanuel Kant Categorical Imperative Brief
Elihu Katz
with Paul Lazersfeld
Two-Step Flow of Communication Brief
Harold Kelley
with John Thibaut
Social Exchange Theory   PDF Brief + Archive   Ed 2
Alfred Korzybski General Semantics   PDF Archive   Ed 1
Cheris Kramarae Muted Group Theory Full   Ch 30
Paul Lazersfeld
with Elihu Katz
Two-Step Flow of Communication Brief
Emmanuel Levinas Responsive 'I' Brief
Karl Marx Marxism Brief
Karl Marx Critical Theory Brief
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs   PDF Archive   Ed 2
Maxwell McCombs
with Donald Shaw
Agenda-Setting Theory Full   Ch 37
Marshall McLuhan Media Ecology Full   Ch 31
George Herbert Mead Symbolic Interactionism Full   Ch 5
Clifford Nass
with Byron Reeves
The Media Equation   PDF Archive   Ed 5
Thomas Nilsen Significant Choice Brief
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann Spiral of Silence   PDF Archive   Ed 7
Charles Osgood Mediational Theory of Meaning   PDF Archive   Ed 1
Michael Pacanowsky
with Clifford Geertz
Cultural Approach to Organizations Full   Ch 22
W Barnett Pearce
with Vernon Cronen
Coordinated Management of Meaning   PDF Archive   Ed 10
Sandra Petronio Communication Privacy Management Theory Full   Ch 12
Richard Petty
with John Cacippo
Elaboration Likelihood Model Full   Ch 15
Gerry Philipsen Speech Codes Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 9
Marshall Scott Poole Adaptive Structuration Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 7
Byron Reeves
with Clifford Nass
The Media Equation   PDF Archive   Ed 5
I A Richards Meaning of Meaning   PDF Archive   Ed 3
Carl Rogers General Semantics   PDF Archive   Ed 1
William Schutz FIRO Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 1
Tony Schwartz Resonance Principle of Persuasion Brief
Claude Shannon
with Warren Weaver
Information Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 3
Donald Shaw
with Maxwell McCombs
Agenda-Setting Theory Full   Ch 37
Muzafer Sherif Social Judgment Theory Full   Ch 14
Henri Tajfel
with John Turner
Social Identity Theory Brief
Deborah Tannen Genderlect Styles   PDF Archive   Ed 0
Dalmas Taylor
with Irwin Altman
Social Penetration Theory Full   Ch 8
Frederick Taylor Classical Management Philosophy Brief
John Thibaut
with Harold Kelley
Social Exchange Theory   PDF Brief + Archive   Ed 2
Stella Ting-Toomey Face-Negotiation Theory Full   Ch 26
John Turner
with Henri Tajfel
Social Identity Theory Brief
Joseph Walther Social Information Processing Theory Full   Ch 10
Paul Watzlawick The Interactional View   PDF Archive   Ed 9
Warren Weaver
with Claude Shannon
Information Theory   PDF Archive   Ed 3
Max Weber Classical Management Philosophy Brief
Karl Weick Information Systems Approach to Organizations   PDF Brief + Archive   Ed 6
Julia T Wood
with Sandra Harding
Feminist Standpoint Theory Full   Ch 29
Dolf Zillmann Exitation Transfer Theory Brief
SORT BY:   Theories  Authors. New in Edition 11
Irwin Altman
with Dalmas Taylor
Social Penetration Theory F   Ch 8
Aristotle The Rhetoric F   Ch 17
Aristotle Golden Mean (and Virtue Ethiics) B
Augustine Categorical Imperative B
Mikhail Bakhtin Dialogics B
Mikhail Bakhtin
with Leslie Baxter
Relational Dialectics Theory F   Ch 11
Albert Bandura Social Learning Theory-Social Cognition Theory B+A   Ed 2
Roland Barthes Semiotics F   Ch 33
Leslie Baxter
with Mikhail Bakhtin
Relational Dialectics Theory F   Ch 11
Charles Berger Uncertainty Reduction Theory F   Ch 9
Sissella Bok Principle of Veracity B
Ernest Bormann Symbolic Convergence Theory F   Ch 21
Martin Buber Dialogic Ethics B
David Buller
with Judee Burgoon
Interpersonal Deception Theory A   Ed 6
Judee Burgoon Expectancy Violations Theory F   Ch 6
Judee Burgoon
with David Buller
Interpersonal Deception Theory A   Ed 6
Judee Burgoon Family Communication Patterns Theory F   Ch 7
Kenneth Burke Dramatism F   Ch 18
John Cacioppio
with Richard Petty
Elaboration Likelihood Model F   Ch 15
Clifford Christians Communitarian / CIvic Journalism B
Patricia Collins Black Feminist Thought B
Vernon Cronen
with W Barnet Pearce
Coordinated Management of Meaning A   Ed 10
Stanley Deetz Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations F   Ch 24
Jesse Delia Constructivism A   Ed 8
Ferdinand de Saussure Structural Linguistics B
Leon Festinger Cognitive Dissonance F   Ch 16
B Aubrey Fisher Interact System Model of Decision Emergence A   Ed 2
Walter Fisher Narrative Paradigm F   Ch 19
Clifford Geertz
with Michael Pacanowsky
Cultural Approach to Organizations F   Ch 22
George Gerbner Cultivation Theory F   Ch 36
Howard Giles Communication Accommodation Theory F   Ch 25
Carol Gilligan FIRO Theory A   Ed 1
Carol Gilligan Different Voice A   Ed 1
Dennis Gouran
with Randy Hirokawa
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making F   Ch 20
John Greene Action Assembly Theory A   Ed 1
William Gudykunst Anxiety-Uncertainty Management Theory A   Ed 6
Jürgen Habermas Discursive Ethics B
Edward Hall High- and Low-Context Cultures B
Edward Hall Proxemic Theory B+A   Ed 1
Stuart Hall Cultural Studies F   Ch 34
Sandra Harding
with Julia T Wood
Feminist Standpoint Theory F   Ch 29
Fritz Heider Attribution Theory B+A   Ed 2
Randy Hirokawa
with Dennis Gouran
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making F   Ch 20
Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions B
Irving Janis Groupthink B+A   Ed 3
Immanuel Kant Categorical Imperative B
Elihu Katz
with Paul Lazersfeld
Two-Step Flow of Communication B
Harold Kelley
with John Thibaut
Social Exchange Theory B+A   Ed 2
Alfred Korzybski General Semantics A   Ed 1
Cheris Kramarae Muted Group Theory F   Ch 30
Paul Lazersfeld
with Elihu Katz
Two-Step Flow of Communication B
Emmanuel Levinas Responsive 'I' B
Karl Marx Marxism B
Karl Marx Critical Theory B
Abraham Maslow Hierarchy of Needs A   Ed 2
Maxwell McCombs
with Donald Shaw
Agenda-Setting Theory F   Ch 37
Marshall McLuhan Media Ecology F   Ch 31
George Herbert Mead Symbolic Interactionism F   Ch 5
Clifford Nass
with Byron Reeves
The Media Equation A   Ed 5
Thomas Nilsen Significant Choice B
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann Spiral of Silence A   Ed 7
Charles Osgood Mediational Theory of Meaning A   Ed 1
Michael Pacanowsky
with Clifford Geertz
Cultural Approach to Organizations F   Ch 22
W Barnett Pearce
with Vernon Cronen
Coordinated Management of Meaning A   Ed 10
Sandra Petronio Communication Privacy Management Theory F   Ch 12
Richard Petty
with John Cacippo
Elaboration Likelihood Model F   Ch 15
Gerry Philipsen Speech Codes Theory A   Ed 9
Marshall Scott Poole Adaptive Structuration Theory A   Ed 7
Byron Reeves
with Clifford Nass
The Media Equation A   Ed 5
I A Richards Meaning of Meaning A   Ed 3
Carl Rogers General Semantics A   Ed 1
William Schutz FIRO Theory A   Ed 1
Tony Schwartz Resonance Principle of Persuasion B
Claude Shannon
with Warren Weaver
Information Theory A   Ed 3
Donald Shaw
with Maxwell McCombs
Agenda-Setting Theory F   Ch 37
Muzafer Sherif Social Judgment Theory F   Ch 14
Henri Tajfel
with John Turner
Social Identity Theory B
Deborah Tannen Genderlect Styles A   Ed 0
Dalmas Taylor
with Irwin Altman
Social Penetration Theory F   Ch 8
Frederick Taylor Classical Management Philosophy B
John Thibaut
with Harold Kelley
Social Exchange Theory B+A   Ed 2
Stella Ting-Toomey Face-Negotiation Theory F   Ch 26
John Turner
with Henri Tajfel
Social Identity Theory B
Joseph Walther Social Information Processing Theory F   Ch 10
Paul Watzlawick The Interactional View A   Ed 9
Warren Weaver
with Claude Shannon
Information Theory A   Ed 3
Max Weber Classical Management Philosophy B
Karl Weick Information Systems Approach to Organizations B+A   Ed 6
Julia T Wood
with Sandra Harding
Feminist Standpoint Theory F   Ch 29
Dolf Zillmann Exitation Transfer Theory B
SORT BY:   Theories  Authors. New in 11
Irwin Altman (with Dalmas Taylor)
Social Penetration Theory
F   Ch 8
The Rhetoric
F   Ch 17
Golden Mean (and Virtue Ethiics)
Categorical Imperative
Mikhail Bakhtin
Mikhail Bakhtin (with Leslie Baxter)
Relational Dialectics Theory
F   Ch 11
Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory-Social Cognition Theory
B+A   Ed 2
Roland Barthes
F   Ch 33
Leslie Baxter (with Mikhail Bakhtin)
Relational Dialectics Theory
F   Ch 11
Charles Berger
Uncertainty Reduction Theory
F   Ch 9
Sissella Bok
Principle of Veracity
Ernest Bormann
Symbolic Convergence Theory
F   Ch 21
Martin Buber
Dialogic Ethics
David Buller (with Judee Burgoon)
Interpersonal Deception Theory
A   Ed 6
Judee Burgoon
Expectancy Violations Theory
F   Ch 6
Judee Burgoon (with David Buller)
Interpersonal Deception Theory
A   Ed 6
Judee Burgoon
Family Communication Patterns Theory
F   Ch 7
Kenneth Burke
F   Ch 18
John Cacioppio (with Richard Petty)
Elaboration Likelihood Model
F   Ch 15
Clifford Christians
Communitarian / CIvic Journalism
Patricia Collins
Black Feminist Thought
Vernon Cronen (with W Barnet Pearce)
Coordinated Management of Meaning
A   Ed 10
Stanley Deetz
Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations
F   Ch 24
Jesse Delia
A   Ed 8
Ferdinand de Saussure
Structural Linguistics
Leon Festinger
Cognitive Dissonance
F   Ch 16
B Aubrey Fisher
Interact System Model of Decision Emergence
A   Ed 2
Walter Fisher
Narrative Paradigm
F   Ch 19
Clifford Geertz (with Michael Pacanowsky)
Cultural Approach to Organizations
F   Ch 22
George Gerbner
Cultivation Theory
F   Ch 36
Howard Giles
Communication Accommodation Theory
F   Ch 25
Carol Gilligan
FIRO Theory
A   Ed 1
Carol Gilligan
Different Voice
A   Ed 1
Dennis Gouran (with Randy Hirokawa)
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making
F   Ch 20
John Greene
Action Assembly Theory
A   Ed 1
William Gudykunst
Anxiety-Uncertainty Management Theory
A   Ed 6
Jürgen Habermas
Discursive Ethics
Edward Hall
High- and Low-Context Cultures
Edward Hall
Proxemic Theory
B+A   Ed 1
Stuart Hall
Cultural Studies
F   Ch 34
Sandra Harding (with Julia T Wood)
Feminist Standpoint Theory
F   Ch 29
Fritz Heider
Attribution Theory
B+A   Ed 2
Randy Hirokawa (with Dennis Gouran)
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making
F   Ch 20
Geert Hofstede
Cultural Dimensions
Irving Janis
B+A   Ed 3
Immanuel Kant
Categorical Imperative
Elihu Katz (with Paul Lazersfeld)
Two-Step Flow of Communication
Harold Kelley (with John Thibaut)
Social Exchange Theory
B+A   Ed 2
Alfred Korzybski
General Semantics
A   Ed 1
Cheris Kramarae
Muted Group Theory
F   Ch 30
Paul Lazersfeld (with Elihu Katz)
Two-Step Flow of Communication
Emmanuel Levinas
Responsive 'I'
Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Critical Theory
Abraham Maslow
Hierarchy of Needs
A   Ed 2
Maxwell McCombs (with Donald Shaw)
Agenda-Setting Theory
F   Ch 37
Marshall McLuhan
Media Ecology
F   Ch 31
George Herbert Mead
Symbolic Interactionism
F   Ch 5
Clifford Nass (with Byron Reeves)
The Media Equation
A   Ed 5
Thomas Nilsen
Significant Choice
Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann
Spiral of Silence
A   Ed 7
Charles Osgood
Mediational Theory of Meaning
A   Ed 1
Michael Pacanowsky (with Clifford Geertz)
Cultural Approach to Organizations
F   Ch 22
W Barnett Pearce (with Vernon Cronen)
Coordinated Management of Meaning
A   Ed 10
Sandra Petronio
Communication Privacy Management Theory
F   Ch 12
Richard Petty (with John Cacippo)
Elaboration Likelihood Model
F   Ch 15
Gerry Philipsen
Speech Codes Theory
A   Ed 9
Marshall Scott Poole
Adaptive Structuration Theory
A   Ed 7
Byron Reeves (with Clifford Nass)
The Media Equation
A   Ed 5
I A Richards
Meaning of Meaning
A   Ed 3
Carl Rogers
General Semantics
A   Ed 1
William Schutz
FIRO Theory
A   Ed 1
Tony Schwartz
Resonance Principle of Persuasion
Claude Shannon (with Warren Weaver)
Information Theory
A   Ed 3
Donald Shaw (with Maxwell McCombs)
Agenda-Setting Theory
F   Ch 37
Muzafer Sherif
Social Judgment Theory
F   Ch 14
Henri Tajfel (with John Turner)
Social Identity Theory
Deborah Tannen
Genderlect Styles
A   Ed 0
Dalmas Taylor (with Irwin Altman)
Social Penetration Theory
F   Ch 8
Frederick Taylor
Classical Management Philosophy
John Thibaut (with Harold Kelley)
Social Exchange Theory
B+A   Ed 2
Stella Ting-Toomey
Face-Negotiation Theory
F   Ch 26
John Turner (with Henri Tajfel)
Social Identity Theory
Joseph Walther
Social Information Processing Theory
F   Ch 10
Paul Watzlawick
The Interactional View
A   Ed 9
Warren Weaver (with Claude Shannon)
Information Theory
A   Ed 3
Max Weber
Classical Management Philosophy
Karl Weick
Information Systems Approach to Organizations
B+A   Ed 6
Julia T Wood (with Sandra Harding)
Feminist Standpoint Theory
F   Ch 29
Dolf Zillmann
Exitation Transfer Theory


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